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Colors and Fonts

Primary Colors

Name HEX RGB Preview
Maroon #8C2531 140, 37, 49
Black #222222 34, 34, 34
Dark Gray #404040 64, 64, 64
Medium Gray #7F7F7F 127, 127, 127
Light Gray #BFBFBF 191, 191, 191
Lightest Gray #F6F6F6 246, 246, 246
Tan #ADA28C 173, 162, 140

Secondary Colors

Name HEX RGB Preview
Dark Blue #002A3B 0, 42, 59
Dark Green #225A41 34, 90, 65
Blue #005E84 0, 94, 132
Green #7E9A4B 126, 154, 75
Orange #B2461F 178, 70, 31
Yellow #D88A00 216, 138, 0
Purple #3C2D57 60, 45, 87


Gotham Bold

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

Gotham Book

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

Gotham Book Italic

The five boxing wizards jump quickly