RFU expanded its Clinical Immunology Lab in response to the national call for increased testing capacity for SARS-CoV-2…
Directors in the Innovation and Research Park reflect on how they and their teams are coping in the time of COVID-19…
Michelle Hastings, PhD, was awarded a grant to discover treatments for CLN3 Batten disease, a fatal neurodegenerative…
Dr. Eun Jung Hwang and Dr. Sarah Johnson officially join RFU as tenure track assistant professors in CMS’s Department…
Kelly Wilson, SGPS ’21, a graduate research assistant in the lab of Dr. Johnny He, director of the Center for Cancer…
Strong collaboration across universities, health systems and the federal government is speeding the national Expanded…
Jared Marcucci, MD ’10, MS ’06, medical director of the emergency department at Community First Medical Center in Chicago…
Helix 51 incubator company Inspirotec announced in March that its commercially available air sampling device (AirAnswers™)…
Researchers led by a team at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science have devised a…
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science announced today that its new Helix 51 incubator…