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Anatomy Labs and Resources

The John J. Sheinin, MD, PhD, DSc Gross Anatomy Laboratory upholds the interprofessional teaching mission of the university through its use as a large active learning space where knowledge learned in the classroom is practically applied and practiced, as well as through providing resources and administrative support to all areas of the university that require content related to anatomy.

The lab is equipped with 40 workstations that are each outfitted with a surgical light, cadaver tank, dissection tools, and iPad through which students can access their course notes and dissection videos. Five large monitors mounted throughout the lab offer ease of disbursement of information regarding specific dissection techniques, structure reviews, and announcements. The lab is also home to a musculoskeletal SynDaver model, where students can study muscle origins and insertions on a synthetic model. The Gross Anatomy Lab furthermore houses a robust osteologic and organ specimen collection, available for independent student study. The air quality in the lab is continuously monitored and features not only engineering controls, but also supplemental VOC filtration.

The center also supports an Anatomy Resource Center that includes technologies, such as an Anatomage table and laparoscopic trainer, and learning centers to support tutoring and small group learning.