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Abbie Lyn Lyden, PharmD

Abbie Lyden, PharmD, BCPS, joined the Department of Pharmacy Practice as an Assistant Professor in August 2012. She currently works as the Lead Interprofessional Faculty, Pharmacy at the DeWitt C. Baldwin Institute, where she participates in the creation and review of standardized patient and mannequin simulation as well as interprofessional initiates at the Institute, while maintaining a faculty role within the College of Pharmacy. Prior to her current role, she served as the Director of Curriculum Advancement within the College of Pharmacy and as an Emergency Medicine (EM) Pharmacist for over 15 years. After graduating from Purdue University School of Pharmacy in 2006, she completed a residency and practiced in the Emergency Department at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, later followed by EM practice in the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Emergency Department, downtown Chicago. While at Brigham and Women's and Northwestern, she led the implementation of pharmacy services in the emergency department. She is active in the clinical education of students and residents, and was the inaugural Postgraduate EM Residency Program Director at Northwestern. Additionally, she has served on numerous hospital, university and national committees. Her teaching and research concentrations include innovative teaching pedagogies, curricular development, emergency medicine, medication errors, and toxicology.
- Pharmacotherapy VI
- Practical Approaches to Professional Development
- Toxicology
Dr. Lyden's research interests include emergency medicine, critical care, and toxicology.